Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Effective whitening methods can be more effective

White supple skin complexion has always been what we want, to the skin becomes more crystal clear, effective whitening method can more effectively, so that the skin quickly become vain and tender, the method is simple and very effective.
Water whitening
Regardless thirsty, be sure to drink plenty of water every day, add enough water to the skin in order to maintain the skin's moisture balance and maintain moist white state, must drink a glass of water every morning, if conditions allow, can be added to the water or honey lemon juice, stir drinking, whitening effect more pronounced.

Drink plenty of water
Skin after sun exposure because the loss of water, often in a dry state, to keep skin hydrated skin whitening is based in After cleaning the skin, covered with some of the lotion, you can directly penetrate layers of skin that can calm the skin at the same time also moisturizing, play a secondary role in cleaning, convergence and effective skin whitening.
Egg white mask
Prepare an egg and lemon juice liquid, first remove the egg breaking eggs in the bowl, then stir with chopsticks until the egg white foam, then add a few drops of lemon juice, stir again, with a cotton pad soaked directly applied on the face on, after 10 minutes wash water, can whiten the skin, but also play astringent, anti-inflammatory anti-wrinkle effect

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Some Tips Can Make Your Skin Safety Through The Night

For they who often stays up late, mm How does the maintenance of skin? Although staying up late is not a good habit, but there will always be a last resort, when it is to have some skin care tips can make your skin safety through the night.
? First, the maintenance of law
Dinner should be light. If you already intend to stay up late at night, then do not eat at dinner too greasy food, the dinner was some light diet, and eat more vegetables, ensure adequate protein intake, and intake of salts and vitamins volume.

?Second, the maintenance of law
Remover, cleansing. How skin care, makeup and evening cleansing is very important to avoid the thick makeup powder or a day of accumulated grease to face in more acne overnight, so be sure to do a thorough before staying up remover and cleansing.
? Third, the maintenance of law
Supplemental vitamin b group. Vitamin b group can help you relieve fatigue, enhance immunity, allowing you to avoid the damage caused by staying up late.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anti in a short while the boat completed

      The leveret home lives a secluded small village and nameds:All flowers village.

       This noon, the leveret home had no turnip, mother Tu says for leveret:"Kid goes to timber and takes off some turnips!"The leveret happily says:"Like, good!"Say, awake a trochanter to walk.Her family before have one river, the hippo uncle exclusively presides a return to connect to send.The 5 points hippo uncle gets off work punctually per day.

       The leveret arrives at opposite shore and took off a very full turnip, the in the mind thinks:"This time and definitely eat for two days!And, the mother will also give public recognition mine."She more thinks it's more pleased and forgot and arrived to a brook lap before 5 points, let hippo the uncle come to pick her up.

      The leveret had been smiling till 6 points many bells to just walk toward brook.Who know, the hippo uncle got off work, leveret at the thought of this matter's standing on the river bank can not help crying.Flank a few small birds curiously ask:"Leveret, you are a good little boy, why want to cry?"Leveret 15110 told affair sterigma bird, sterigma the birds happily say:"We have a friend, he calls kitties much many.He committed a boat with the wood basin, wooden block and swimming belt."The fascination of leveret came again all of a sudden, the no time for waiting earth asked a pass:"His home is over there?I got homesick too much.""Is all right, "the sterigma birds together say, " his home's living is that house nautical mile in your the left side, you press a door bell!"The leveret clicked down the door bell, the thumb latch turned on, the sterigma birds vs say much and more:"Is much many, you take the leveret to the opposite shore to go, again paddle boat come over, is all right?"Kitty one mouthful assent pass:"The ipso facto is very glad."The words tone didn't fall, the kitty started embarking since the vessel.

       Anti in a short while the boat completed, the kitty took leveret to arrive opposite shore.The leveret says:"See again, thanks?!"

This is what we should commit

One day, sterigma bear and sterigma the monkey arrive at to play in a park, they along the small well of park has fun to have to kick football.

 Coup, sterigma bear a carelessly score goal the well to football nautical mile.Sterigma bear the hasty in the mind is anxious, because this football is the birthday gift that the friend sends to it.See football to float around in the river, the sterigma bear some times is picked with the bamboo arm and always picked anti to come up.

 Sterigma bear the in the mind is sad, cried out, by this time, sterigma the monkey came over, it vs sterigma the bear say:"Do not cry, don't cry, I come to think a resource."In a short while effort, sterigma the monkey came right away a good many sterigma monkey.The sterigma monkey says to them:"We pull foot to hang up and is like a cordage from a per of big tree and mourn to toward well go."This device is indeed as expected effective, sterigma the monkey quickly took football to come up from the well nautical mile.The sterigma bear is pleased polar, connect the voice say:"The thanks thanks, sterigma monkey."

 The sterigma monkey says:"This is what we should commit, the friend's should help mutually."

Anti in a short while the boat completed

      The leveret home lives a secluded small village and nameds:All flowers village.

       This noon, the leveret home had no turnip, mother Tu says for leveret:"Kid goes to timber and takes off some turnips!"The leveret happily says:"Like, good!"Say, awake a trochanter to walk.Her family before have one river, the hippo uncle exclusively presides a return to connect to send.The 5 points hippo uncle gets off work punctually per day.

       The leveret arrives at opposite shore and took off a very full turnip, the in the mind thinks:"This time and definitely eat for two days!And, the mother will also give public recognition mine."She more thinks it's more pleased and forgot and arrived to a brook lap before 5 points, let hippo the uncle come to pick her up.

      The leveret had been smiling till 6 points many bells to just walk toward brook.Who know, the hippo uncle got off work, leveret at the thought of this matter's standing on the river bank can not help crying.Flank a few small birds curiously ask:"Leveret, you are a good little boy, why want to cry?"Leveret 15110 told affair sterigma bird, sterigma the birds happily say:"We have a friend, he calls kitties much many.He committed a boat with the wood basin, wooden block and swimming belt."The fascination of leveret came again all of a sudden, the no time for waiting earth asked a pass:"His home is over there?I got homesick too much.""Is all right, "the sterigma birds together say, " his home's living is that house nautical mile in your the left side, you press a door bell!"The leveret clicked down the door bell, the thumb latch turned on, the sterigma birds vs say much and more:"Is much many, you take the leveret to the opposite shore to go, again paddle boat come over, is all right?"Kitty one mouthful assent pass:"The ipso facto is very glad."The words tone didn't fall, the kitty started embarking since the vessel.

       Anti in a short while the boat completed, the kitty took leveret to arrive opposite shore.The leveret says:"See again, thanks?!"