Friday, November 15, 2013

Green Apple Festivalgoers Get a Lift

Those of you planning to attend the Green Apple Festival in Washington, DC over the next few days, rest easy: Timberland is offering free pedicab rides to anyone taking part in the Earth Day weekend activities on the National Mall.  It’s all in the name of greener travel (and supporting weary Earthkeepers at the end of a long service day).

If you’re not a pedicab person, at least ride your own bike to the event and bring it to our Bike Valet on the Mall — we’ll keep your ride safe and even give it a complimentary tune-up while you’re off Earthkeeping.

Not planning to spend your weekend in the DC area?  Other Green Apple Festival hubs timberland sale include Boston, New York,  Miami, Chicago, Denver, Dallas, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  Go forth and green!

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