Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Im a survivor by Calvin Stacey

I muffle my screams praying that no one hears me. I walk with my head down hoping no one sees me. I cry and I pray that my tears don't drown me.I ask why? why? why? but no one ever answers me. I am hurting, lost and alone because no one understands me.I should be over this so why is this pain still haunting me? I need help please somebody come rescue me.I fall to my knees begging God to cover me.I hear HIS voice telling me that victory is mine 'just trust in me.' I believe that in time the pain will be replaced by the strength that is hidden in me.The screams and cries will be sounds of joy freely escaping me.I am Alive it could have been worse my family could have been burying me. I found other survivors who share the same or similar stories as me.Together we cry, we share, we heal I am no longer alone I have found strong women just like me.

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